
  • All Backups Stuck in Running Mode
    No Matt, that is not the case. This was not happening for just one plan. It was across the board. At the time I posted Friday, I had 35 jobs in overdue status stuck in various states (starting, checking for modified files, preparing, etc.)
    Of those devices, the logs stated, "GetEndUser url is ''"
    "Error on calling webmethod, retries will be performed. Status: ServiceUnavailable"
    Then the plans ended up failing because they timed out with "The request failed with HTTP status 503: Service Unavailable".
    All of this information is in Ticket #203885

    You are saying you want me to send you logs from potentially 85 affected devices when this happens again?
  • All Backups Stuck in Running Mode
    I guess I didn't receive the email stating there was scheduled maintenance on Friday 4/5/2019 starting around 8pm and continuing for several hours. Did I miss that one?

    However, I did receive the email stating there was scheduled maintenance Monday 4/8/2019 between 1 am - 2 am.

    Here is my main concern. We went live with our clients on April 1, 2019 after switching from BarracudaMSP. This is not a good beginning so far.
  • All Backups Stuck in Running Mode
    This is happening again. Same behavior as 3/31/2019. Client consoles will not open. Backups are Overdue and stuck "Searching for modified files" or "Starting".
  • All Backups Stuck in Running Mode
    We use BlackBlaze B2, so I don't believe it was a storage provider issue. At a quick glance, our storage amounts appear to be correct. 5 hours ago, I received this from Support: "We're aware of these issues. Services should be up an running very soon."
  • All Backups Stuck in Running Mode
    It started with Clients/Consoles not opening. I thought it was environmental. Then after checking a few hours later, 54 Overdue backups! Error: "The request failed with HTTP status 503: Service Unavailable."