I want to manage different S3 backup buckets for different clients, all with their own different passwords yet, CloudBerry Explorer which has a multi-tabs facility only has ONE password box for Encryption. That's a major flaw. It is obvious that such a product will be used with multiple Amazono S3 / Wasabi accounts, so the ability to set an encryption password should be AT TAB LEVEL not at system level. — Objectivité
The current implementation is useless because once you set up a password it works for the tab which opens on the S3 account / bucket for which that password is valid, but you can't open any files on any of the other tabs that you have open on different buckets where they all have completely different passwords - I find myself having to use another publisher's browser instead for each account. — Objectivité
This needs to be improved Please ?
Multi-tabs features absolutely must mean encryption password either on a TAB basis, or better, on a bucket basis. — Objectivité
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