• coroffice
    Just been reading the blog entry about the new v7 backup.

    Any idea when it's about to hit the streets?

    Also, will it finally include support for disk rotation?
  • David Gugick
    I do not have a firm date yet on the release. I'll have to check with the team in any new features related to disk rotation, but I'm not aware of any offhand. I'd be interested in your disk rotation needs though. Are you rotating NAS devices or external hard drives hooked up to an endpoint / server? Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
  • coroffice
    At this point I need to rotate hard drives. The reason I was hoping disk rotation was on the way is because I'd read between the lines in this thread. I made the assumption that the format changes you were referring to may be those being rolled out in v7.
  • David Gugick
    Some of those changes may speed up the sync process, but I'm still waiting on word as to whether there's anything specific being added for drive rotation. Can you go into more detail about your use case for needing to use drive rotation versus performing either local + cloud hybrid backups or simply copying changed files from one NAS to the other before escorting one home at night?
  • coroffice
    Quite a few of our client sites are in rural locations and they don't have good enough bandwidth to do imaging to the cloud so traditional disk rotation is more appropriate. Additionally, for all clients, we like to backup (less frequently) to disk so we know we have some true air gapped backups off site, we also use drive rotation for this.
  • Chris Porosky
    We would like disk rotation as well. Pretty basic feature for most backup software today.
  • David Gugick
    Depending on the amount of data, sometimes I find using ROBOCOPY to mirror one drive / folder to another is a great alternative to using drive rotation. What you can do is leave one disk on site permanently. As a part of the backup (post actions) or as a morning task, you can run a Robocopy script to sync up the drives and then take the second one home. Here's an example of one I use myself:

    :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ::   ROBOCOPYBACKUP  ::     Robust File Copy for Backups                              
    :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ::               Usage :: ROBOCOPY source destination
    ::              source :: Source Directory (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
    ::         destination :: Destination Dir  (drive:\path or \\server\share\path).
    :: Copy options :
    ::                  /E :: copy subdirectories, including Empty ones (USES /MIR INSTEAD)
    ::                 /ZB :: use restartable mode; if access denied use Backup mode.
    ::            /COPYALL :: COPY ALL file info (equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU).
    ::              /PURGE :: delete dest files/dirs that no longer exist in source. (USES /MIR INSTEAD)
    ::                /MIR :: MIRror a directory tree (equivalent to /E plus /PURGE).
    ::               /MT:4 :: Do multi-threaded copies with n threads (default 8).
    :: File Selection Options :
    ::                  /M :: copy only files with the Archive attribute and reset it.
    :: Retry Options :
    ::                /R:10 :: number of Retries on failed copies: default 1 million.
    ::                /W:10 :: Wait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.
    :: Logging Options :
    ::                  /L :: List only - don't copy, timestamp or delete any files. (USE FOR TESTING ONLY)
    ::                 /NS :: No Size - don't log file sizes.
    ::                 /NC :: No Class - don't log file classes.
    ::                /NFL :: No File List - don't log file names.
    ::                /NDL :: No Directory List - don't log directory names.
    ::                 /NP :: No Progress - don't display percentage copied.
    ::                 /LOG:file :: output status to LOG file (overwrite existing log).
    :: Generate Unique Filename for Log File
    echo off
    for /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set mydate=%%i
    set mydate=%mydate:/=-%
    set mytime=%time::=-%
    set logfilename=%mydate%-%mytime%.log
    :: echo %logfilename%
    :: Set the Source and Destination Folder Names
    set sourcefolder="E:\BACKUP\Test"
    set destfolder="E:\BACKUP\Rotation"
    :: echo %sourcefolder%
    :: echo %destfolder%
    :: Execute Robocopy with appropriate parameters
    ROBOCOPY %sourcefolder% %destfolder% /ZB /COPYALL /MIR /MT:4 /R:10 /W:10 /NS /NC /NFL /NDL /NP /LOG:%logfilename%
    :: /NS /NC /NFL /NDL /NP (add these flags to clean up log file detail)
  • Chris Porosky
    Thanks for sharing your script, we've resorted to using robocopy as well for when it isn't integrated.
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