• MarkS

    I am backup up large files ~500GB to Backblaze B2, this has previously worked in the past but recently it has started to fail. It will upload some of the file could be a few GB or around 50GB then i get the sporadic error below.

    CloudBerryLab.Base.HttpUtil.Light.LightWebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

    The problem is then it restarts and I'm guessing it is the checking all the parts to see what's been uploaded or not which takes forever. So basically its stuck in a loop and will take forever to upload the file.

    Full log for the run below. Thanks for any help in advance

    2021-10-27 03:45:57,730 [PL] [18] WARN  - Restarting 1 tasks in 00:01:00. Remains: 91 restarts
    2021-10-27 05:46:10,087 [CL] [44] WARN  - New upload URL has been requested: (URL removed for privacy)
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,665 [CL] [18] ERROR - Command::Run failed:
    UploadChunk; Source: (Path removed for privacy); Destination:20211026004915
    CloudBerryLab.Base.HttpUtil.Light.LightWebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       at aGW.a(aGr )
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at aGW.a(aGr )
       at aGW.b(aGr )
       at aGW.C(aGr )
       at aGW.c(aGr )
       at aGX.mx(aGr )
       at aGX.A(aGr )
       at anc.A(aGr , Boolean )
       at anc.A(String , Stream , Int64 , Int32 , ICancelable )
       at aNG.UploadChunk(aOF , akZ , aJm )
       at aNt.gn()
       at akr.nr()
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,665 [CL] [18] ERROR - On chunk finish. Cnunk info: Status:Fail Number:1736 Length:47599354 IsLast:False Offset:82584879190, Exception: CloudBerryLab.Base.HttpUtil.Light.LightWebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       at aGW.a(aGr )
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at aGW.a(aGr )
       at aGW.b(aGr )
       at aGW.C(aGr )
       at aGW.c(aGr )
       at aGX.mx(aGr )
       at aGX.A(aGr )
       at anc.A(aGr , Boolean )
       at anc.A(String , Stream , Int64 , Int32 , ICancelable )
       at aNG.UploadChunk(aOF , akZ , aJm )
       at aNt.gn()
       at akr.nr()
       at aPJ.D()
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,697 [CL] [8] ERROR - Generating chunks failed
    The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at aOi.Op(ICancelable )
       at aOF.a(Int64 , aJm )
    The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       at aGW.a(aGr )
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,697 [Base] [8] WARN  - System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.DeflaterHuffman.TallyDist(Int32 distance, Int32 length)
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.DeflaterEngine.DeflateFast(Boolean flush, Boolean finish)
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.DeflaterEngine.Deflate(Boolean flush, Boolean finish)
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Deflater.Deflate(Byte[] output, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.DeflaterOutputStream.Finish()
       at ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.GZip.GZipOutputStream.Finish()
       at aqq.Nj()
       at aqq.Close()
       at aJJ.Dispose(Boolean )
       at System.IO.Stream.Close()
       at ajr.A(Action , Stream )
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,697 [CL] [8] ERROR - Command::Run failed:
    Copy; Source: (Path removed for privacy); Destination:20211026004915
    CloudBerryLab.Base.HttpUtil.Light.LightWebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       at aGW.a(aGr )
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at aOF.a(Int64 , aJm )
       at anR.anS.A()
       at ajr.A(Action , Stream )
       at anR.A(Stream , Int64 , Int64 , DateTime , akq , EncryptionSettings , Boolean )
       at anR.IF(Stream , DateTime , akq )
       at anh.oZ(Stream , DateTime , akq , Func`1 )
       at anh.lM(aNx , String , akq )
       at aNr.gn()
       at akr.nr()
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,697 [PL] [8] ERROR - Error occurred during backup Upload operation. Cloud path: (URL removed for privacy) IsSimple: False. Modified date: 26/10/2021 00:49:15. Size: 438.9 GB (471280726016)
    The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at aOF.a(Int64 , aJm )
       at anR.anS.A()
       at ajr.A(Action , Stream )
       at anR.A(Stream , Int64 , Int64 , DateTime , akq , EncryptionSettings , Boolean )
       at anR.IF(Stream , DateTime , akq )
       at anh.oZ(Stream , DateTime , akq , Func`1 )
       at anh.lM(aNx , String , akq )
       at aNr.gn()
       at akr.nr()
       at aPJ.D()
    The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       at aGW.a(aGr )
    2021-10-27 05:47:37,697 [PL] [8] WARN  - Restarting 1 tasks in 00:01:00. Remains: 90 restarts
  • Sergey

    Try this:
    1. Download Nartac IIS Crypto from:
    2. Go to Cipher Suites and turn off these 2 cipher suites:
    the click Apply button as on the screenshot
    3. Reboot the server for changes to take effect.

    1/256 connection attempts made with DHE_RSA the key length may differ, resulting in SSL error. It is possible that this occurs only on Win2008/2012 and is fixed for later Win.
    I really like this article: https://jnbrex.wordpress.com/2016/09/08/microsoft-schannel-tls-bug/

    I hope this helps!

    Important, when disabling a cipher suite:
    First - make sure that it doesn't affect anything in your environment!
    Second - make sure you have cipher suites that will work with B2. To see what cipher suites B2 uses - check for example here: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=api.backblazeb2.com&s=
  • MarkS
    Wow interesting article, cant believe they haven't fixed it in Server 2012R2. I would have never found that.
    I will have a go at this and let you know on the outcome.
  • MarkS

    Appears to be working up to 200gb now where as previously would have not got this far 300gb to go fingers crossed.
  • Sergey
    That's great to hear. I guess it finished fine too :)
  • MarkS
    Yes thanks has been working fine since. Should really be a sticky or help relating to this directly for the error.
    Bet it has caused a lot of headaches to people running older Server OS.
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