I have been using this fabulous app for a couple of weeks, but in a few cases when i try to attach to a remote computer i get the following error in the local computer
"Connection to xxxxxxxx
Registration Failed: invalid server identifier"
Uninstalled and tried to reinstall, but the error persists, could you shed some light on a solution
Hi, usually this means that the remote PC is turned off, however, we're implementing new network architecture and some versions might be incompatible with the other. Could you check that you got installed on both the systems and let me know if one of them has some other version installed.
In case both the systems use got installed and you're still getting this error while both the systems are online - we will need some more information to investigate this issue. Could you please send us the diagnostic logs from both the machines in question by going to the main menu button and choosing "Diagnostic", use "Send to Support" button there. The logs will be sent to our support team automatically. This will help us diagnose and troubleshoot the issue. Please add "Logs for Harry from Jcb" to the issue description.