• Steve Putnam
    Of the 200 backup plans we run each night 61 of them failed last night and today with either a 502 bad gateway or 3015 internal storage error.
    I reported this to MSP 360 support and after sending a bunch of logs and hearing nothing I called support and was told that it is a known problem and is being worked on and that maybe TOMORROW It will get fixed?
    Having a customer alert system whereby MSP360 can notify MSP’s of service outages, resolution status, etc would go a long way in situations like this. Not the least of which it will DRAMATICALLY cut down on service tickets and calls to the help desk.
    Every other vendor we use sends out issue notifications. It is high time MSP 360 did the same.
  • Karlsen
    Thanks for letting us know. After receiving a ton of these and thought it was possibly an MS update. Then I thought to check here.
  • Brandon K

    Couldn't agree more. Logged in this morning with 147 failed backups. Yet, no info or alerts from MSP360 team. It's ridiculous that I have to come to the forums to discover it's not just us having the problem. When we utilize support, it's logs, high level logs, and some more logs, then also install this 3rd party software utility and send us more logs. We're ending up far too involved and spending too much time troubleshooting your product that's not working.

    What's the point of having https://status.msp360.com/ when it shows all systems as operational and that's clearly not the case. Hasn't even been updated since Oct 4th.

    Every month or two, there's a major bug or "known issue" yet nobody is ever made aware of this. Is it really asking too much for you to send out a simple email or keep up to date with your status page? You are seriously dropping the ball on some basic features and we're becoming increasingly frustrated with the amount of babysitting required.
  • WSpeed
    Same here, I thought it was an intermittent issue, but still occurs today, it's happening since Saturday evening on many servers.
    The workaround suggested is to try to rerun the backup plans that fail, but that's not feasible as some plans required a pre-batch to run.

    Hopefully they can put their efforts to solve this and later improve the communications channel, as it would also help them to avoid get clogged with support messages and put all efforts on solving this massive problem.
  • Steve Putnam
    I am told by support that they have fixed the new Access/Refresh token authorization system. So far today have not received any more of these errors.
  • ODI Tech
    Thanks for the heads up! I thought something odd was going on. We don't backup to internal storage. I have found it is hit and mis. I can manually run a failed backup and it completes successful. It's sporadic it seems.
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