1. Use CloudBerry to backup multiple drives onto an external HD.
2. Copy everything that was backed up on to the external HD onto another server (that's remote).
3. On the original server, change the location to where the multiple drives will be backed up to (so instead of backing it up to the external, change it to now back up to the remote server where the backup on the external HD was copied to).
Would this be possible & if so, what extra requirements, precautionary, etc... will I have to keep in mind? The reason in attempting this is because I've been having trouble wi/ my initial backup (from the original server to the remote server) not completing & performing very slowly due to what it looks like, internet connections, so I figure this might be a workaround. All help will greatly be appreciated.
Yes, that will be possible. The setup is pretty straightforward, you just need to correctly specify the path to the storage destination after the data has been transferred and synchronize the repository via tools > options > repository after you finished transferring the data to its final destination.
As for slow image-based backups to network share - that is a known rare issue. Target release for the fix is version 6.0.1, which is scheduled for release in October.
The best way would be to use the backup software, so you wouldn't need to change/rename anything. After transition is complete you simply need to run repository sync for new storage destination on the original machine and you're good to go.
Hate to bump this thread, but how long should a repository sync take? I tried a test run of this & it worked. But I was only working wi/ a small amount of data & didn't get to track how long the repo sync took then. Now moving on to production, I'd want to know ahead of time how long the repo sync would take. If I'm correct, the database is around 11GB.
Additionally, another question I have is, what would happen if the server is accidentally rebooted while a Repository Sync was taking place?
The repository sync depends on number of files, bandwidth stability and harddrive state and load, so it's impossible to tell how much time it will take.
In case machine is rebooted during sync, you will need to start synchronization process from the scratch since database is being cleared on start of the process.
Yea it's been 24 hours & it looks like it's not even 50% done. So initially, I backed everything up to an external hard drive first. From there, I copied everything that was backed up on to the external HD onto another server (that's remote). I then followed Matt''s instructions & changed the storage destination from the external hard drive to the new server. Now, I'm at the repository sync stage, but it looks like it's not going to be finishing anytime soon. I was thinking, if I create a brand new plan, that's exactly the same as the original plans, would that work? Basically, would it skip the full backup phase since the full backup has already been transferred from the external HD to the remote server? Sorry, if this is confusing, I can explain more thoroughly if needed, but want to get this working.
Repository sync is the important part here. The software uses repository to check what files are already there on the storage so same data won't be reuploaded. Once sync is over and you run backup full backup won't be performed - only modified files will be uploaded to local destination.
So it's important to finish synchronization process even if it's taking a while. After it's done you can run the backup job.