
  • How to upgrade using the CLI?
    Hi , sorry missed the notification somehow.
    We'll update the Help material soon. Here's the answer to your question:

    editBackupPlan and addBackupPlan have 2 separate options since v 2.8:
    -notification Specify to receive notification email - never (off), when backup fails (errorOnly) or in all cases (on). Note: notification settings must be configured separately, see 'cbb option -set n' for details. Possible values: errorOnly, on, off
    -dr Specify to generate detailed report. Does not function if notifications are disabled (off). Possible values: yes, no

    Please note that for Managed Backup detailed report is always enabled and should work always (starting with the upcoming MBS portal update).

    Also, just a quick note to say that the online doc was suggesting to use "dpkg -r" instead of "dpkg -i". Not sure is "-r" is working or safer?gregm
    As far as I'm aware, "dpkg -r" is for uninstallation and "dpkg -i" is for installation.
    Is there a resource where we mention it wrong? Please point me to it
  • Synchronize Repository — cancel?
    Hi .

    Repository synchronization is basically: list the storage contents, compare to the local DB (aka repository) records, add new or correct old records if the storage contents differ.

    That said, there should be no need to run repository sync unless you expect that there were any changes to the stored data made outside of this installation (it's a local DB) of CloudBerry Backup.
    In general we highly recommend to forbid such changes anyway.

    Now if you start repository synchronization and stop it before it finishes - the worst thing that can happen is your repository is not properly synced. I doubt about a more dangerous state than when some data is not visible (because it was not synced).
    Yes, "Synchronization count" is exactly the number of files that have been compared to repository so far
  • Backup Plan
    Hi . We will need the diagnostic logs from the software. Please use the Feedback menu to send them automatically to our Support Team - please also add a link to this Forum thread so that the logs are forwarded to me.
    Thank you in advance!
  • Wildcards in exclude paths?
    Hi again . We're adding this feature in the next major release v 2.9 - that's approximately in April. Currently, you'd need to uncheck all such folders manually
  • Here are our plans. What else do you want to be added?
    Hi , thanks for the suggestion, I'll put it on the list. Let me know if there's anything else
  • Here are our plans. What else do you want to be added?
    , thanks, logged your request.
    It's not currently in the pipeline so there's no ETA I could share, but definitely we will be discussing it for the mid-/long-term development
  • How to upgrade using the CLI?
    Hi ,

    1. The command is: sudo dpkg -i /new/package/name
    Moreover, we are working on an automated way to upgrade - you would only need to run one command to download and automatically install the latest updates.
    This is coming in one of the upcoming updates.

    2. Not really, we do run upgrades as part of our regular tests - nothing has come up for quite a long time (at least with the versions that are released).
    In case any new functionality is added or any existing functionality gets new options - the updated release will continue its prior behavior until changed manually.

    Let me know if other questions occur.
  • Can I resize a Linux Ubuntu Window

    Uh oh... My bad then.
    I'll check this with someone from CloudBerry to find out what could cause this.

    Please make sure you have not Starred this thread (I assume not but just in case)
  • Can I resize a Linux Ubuntu Window
    , that's probably because you've made this post as the user Mark Hamblin but now are writing on behalf of Mark (see the URL addresses)
  • Can I resize a Linux Ubuntu Window
    Hi .
    There's a minimal window size - the window cannot be made smaller than that - which you apparently have reached.
    Maybe you'd have a better experience with the web interface? See the screenshot in this Help article, it explains how to set it up. The authentication is by Linux user.

    Please let me know whether this works for you or not
    Hello .

    The delay was caused by the combination of products that must be updated in order to fix the issue (needed to update both managed portal and software). Full explanation has been provided in the ticket, we are sorry for this situation, it was exceptional and hard case to resolve, but thanks to your cooperation we could find out what could have caused it.

    Once again, please take our apologies
  • Quick Support Client
    Hello . Yes, it is encrypted, the whole connection goes over HTTPS.
  • Here are our plans. What else do you want to be added?
    Thanks , understood you. I won't promise any ETA just yet, but this is one of the directions we consider for the future development of Backup for Linux. I've added your request to the list as well
  • Here are our plans. What else do you want to be added?
    excuse my bad wording, I mean is it VMware VMs you'd like to backup or anything else (Xen, for example, or Hyper-V)
  • Here are our plans. What else do you want to be added?
    Hi . Do you mean VMware backup or any other vendor? Just to have better understanding of your request
  • change name in drop down
    Hi , currently it can be done by "forgetting" the computer and "learning" it again.
    You can, however, edit the config file manually and change the name to whatever else:
    - Make sure Remote Assistant is closed.
    - Open %ProgramData%\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Remote Assistant\RaSettings.xml with Notepad or something similar.
    - Find the <ServersList> section and change <ComputerName> values for any machines.
    - Make sure to save the changes before checking in the app.

    As a better solution we will probably add the Edit button to the list in one of the future updates.
  • Scaling issues
    Hi there.
    Most likely it's not something you've done wrong but rather a problem of the Remote Assistant.
    Does it behave the same in windowed (not scaled) mode? Just to specify the issue.

    Also, please use Menu > Diagnostic > Send from the Host machine (the one you connect to) to send us some diagnostic info - please refer to this forum thread so we don't lose it.

    Thanks in advance
  • Using VSS to backup an active pst file from Ubuntu
    Hello . Ubuntu (and AFAIK any other Linux distro) doesn't have a snapshot mechanism and cannot use VSS.

    What might help in your case is to pause the VM, copy the .pst elsewhere on the disk, un-pause the VM and then casually back up the .pst file.

    Please give it a try - once, manually - and let me know whether this works for you.

    There's a feature we are going to add in a couple of months that would help to automate this, I'd just like to understand whether this is the solution for you or not
  • Fastest configuration for a cloud restore
    Hi . Well if you store backups at Amazon S3 then to restore to an EC2 instance would take MUCH shorter time because the data doesn't need to leave Amazon network. Same with Azure storage and Azure VM platform. Obviously, the 2 storage providers cost more than B2, but that's where you need to find your balance between RTO and costs.