
  • Retention Policy Problem with V7
    So, no incrementals then, correct? If so, I understand, but likely not a common use case. But I see how we could mimic that same behavior with the new format. As I recall I've already spoken to the team when we first discussed. I'll follow up with them on Monday.
  • Retention Policy Problem with V7
    how did you avoid having multiple full backups in cloud storage with the old backup format? Even with the version-based retention set to something like 14 days with fulls running every 14 days you would still have two in there until the first full backup set could be deleted. How are you using retention using the new backup format?
  • How to Change Backup Agent Icons Remotely
    We did some tests here and after we changed the main icon, simply closing and re-opening the agent triggered the new icons appearing. This was tested on 7.2 and 7.3. Can you elaborate on exactly what icon changes were made and which ones have not updated?
  • Can't copy files on Backblaze
    Moving data in the cloud is really a copy / delete operation. Objects in the cloud are stored in a flat file structure with path names as a part of the object name. Tools like Explorer can render with the appearance of folders, but folders are just objects. You can try and copy and delete instead but it will require the data move to the client first and then back to the cloud. I do not think there is a way to facilitate the "move" from within the cloud itself, but I could be wrong. You can check whatever web interface for B2 that Backblaze supplies and see if copy operations can be managed from within the cloud without any data egress.
  • Screen flicker from remote computers
    If you can send the Diagnostic Logs to Support from both computers, the team can have a look. I see you are using the Managed Remote Desktop product. Can you verify that you have the current version installed on your computer - From the management console, go to Downloads, click Remote Desktop, and download the latest installation package from the top of the screen for you computer - the one you are using to connect to the remote systems. It sounds like you have (the latest) installed, but I just want to make sure that version is installed at both ends. If you're not sure what version is used on the remote side, then you can see this from Remote Management.

    If, however, you posted in the wrong section and you are using the free, stand-alone Remote Desktop, just check the version when you run each binary to verify the version.

    If you're all current, then Support is what you need for a further investigation.
  • Can't copy files on Backblaze
    Thanks for the update. I'm glad you are able to resolve it on your own. I will note the fix you posted in my brain in case anyone else runs into this particular issue.
  • early delete because METADATA
    You can delete data from Wasabi before 90 days. That's not an issue. You will be charged an early delete fee, but it's no more or less than what you would pay if the data were there the full 90 days. If you want to keep data for the full 90 days because you are going to pay for it anyway, then you need to change your retention to maintain those backups for longer to better coordinate with the wasabi policy. You're saying that the backup does not run successfully, and I would need more information about what you're seeing in the warning or error on the backups to know better how to help you correct it. Please provide as much information as you can on the actual error and your retention settings for best assistance. Thanks.

    The other option you have is to move to our integrated Wasabi storage. We can sell you wasabi storage directly at exactly the same price of $5.99 per terabyte, but we only require a 30-day retention on the backup data.
  • Screen flicker from remote computers
    Are you saying you have screen flicker when you connect to a remote system. Can you elaborate on the flicker - is the screen going back and then back to normal? Does it persist the entire connection? Is there only one monitor on each remote system or is there more than one? What happens if you change the image quality from the Options menu during a connection to High Color or Optimize for Speed? Any difference?
  • Bad file ID?
    Thanks for the update. FYI: If you ever need to remove old backup data, always best to do that from the agent's Storage tab to keep things synchronized.
  • CloudBerry Drive - Settings
    I need you to explain the Robocopy usage. Are you saying you were using Robocopy to copy the data to the Drive folder with the intent of copying that data to Azure? With Explorer Pro (not freeware for your number of files) you can simply copy the folders in question from their source location to Azure.

    You can use the trial version of Explorer which has full Pro capabilities, but not the freeware version as is has limitations on multi-threading:
  • CloudBerry Drive - Settings
    What is your goal here? Is it just to copy data to Azure or are you looking to use Drive to access the 8 TB of data from Drive after the sync is complete? If it's the latter, I would recommend you open a Support case and discuss your particular use case with the team to see if Drive is the best solution for your needs.

    If you are only looking to copy, I would recommend you look at CloudBerry Explorer Pro
  • How long will legacy file backup be supported?
    Just so I am clear, you are using the stand-alone CloudBerry Backup for Windows with a file backup plan using the legacy backup format and you are using the Simple Mode backup mode? Simple Mode is only available in stand-alone and is only for file sync and not backup as there is no versioning, no encryption, and no compression, and no block-level backups.

    As John mentioned, we have no plans to retire the legacy plan format. I just call it that myself for clarification on the forums.
  • Bad file ID?
    What is that file you're backing up?

    I think you'll need to open a support case as I have no information on that error. Even googling backblaze b2 and that message does not return any useful results. Support would be my recommended next step.
  • Configuring incremental backups with periodic full backup
    We're not planning to retire the legacy format.
  • Bad file ID?
    Sorry but I can find no reference to that error in our internal system. Can you see any details from the plan history that might shed some light on the message? What storage are you using?
  • How to add multiple folders from CLI?
    Have you tried adding multiple -d parameters?
  • Restore verification - Status: Warning
    Support would like to see the logs. You can send them from the agent and reference case #131039.
  • Compatable With Hosted Exchange?
    I think you asked this question last year - and I do not have an updated response.

    Support would need to know more about your particulars. I assume if you had control over the server, you could use the Exchange agent. But if you're on a shared Exchange server, then you may either have to rely on the solution provider (if they provide backup) or do something like use the Outlook client to copy email to local or file server hosted PST files for backup.
  • Restore verification - Status: Warning
    I'll have to verify with the team. You may need to open a support case, but in the interim can you DM me the information (redact as needed) from the notification email so I can see what you're seeing?