• Status of Glacier Support?
    I'll have to check with support. I'll report back when I hear back from them.
  • Status of Glacier Support?
    Follow the directions I posted to re-enable the legacy storage destinations and let me know if that fixes the issue for you.
  • Realtime backup on Linux (or file-specific backup
    The best option is schedule the backup to run with the frequency needed. You cannot select individual files to back up each time. The backup plan should have all backup locations that need to be watched in the selection list.
  • How to manage vaults/buckets in CBB V7
    The issue is that once it has been "imported" in CBB, PC-A bucket appears as a possible destination on the CCB software installed on B. I would like to remove it from the lists of possible destinations and of backup vaults, until I really want to access it from B.MerleOne

    When you say the list of possible destinations, can you describe exactly where you are seeing this? The stand-alone products do not share information between them, so I'll need you to explain where in the product you are seeing what you are seeing.
  • Status of Glacier Support?
    Glacier is supported for those who were asking. Instead of using Glacier Direct (likein the old version), you simply register your S3 storage, and select Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive as the Storage Class on the Compression / Encryption options tab in the Backup Wizard.

    You can also continue to use your old plans that targeted Glacier directly. You can also re-enable the legacy storage accounts if needed following this article: https://kb.msp360.com/standalone-backup/general/obsolete-storage-destinations
  • How to backup
    Backups are in a proprietary format and files need to be restored using the product. What is your particular use case that you need the backup folders to be in a specific format; presumably one that matches the source folders? If you browse backups using the product's Backup Storage tab, then you do not see the "$" in the actual folder names that contain them. If you need to access backed up files from other products / utilities, you may want to try using the Simple Backup mode - it has minimal options for retention, but it does leave the files / folder in backup storage in their native format (no "$" or compression / encryption).
  • Optimal Retention Policy for Wasabi
    Retention should always be set according to your business needs. You did not state how long you need to keep backups for your customer, so I'l just assume 60 days is all you need. You can, of course, keep fewer backups and costs will not change. Early deletion costs are the same as you'd pay if the data remained. Having said that...

    • Full backup once per month - That works - every 30 days
    • Block level in between - Yes. Incremental backups in-between
    • Delete versions older than? 60 days works. After 90 days, the first 30 day backup set can be removed
    • Always keep the last version - Yes, if that's what you need for old backups on systems that are not being actively backed up
    • Keep number of versions - ignore this option
  • first experience with the remote control tool
    Can you confirm if you are using Managed Remote Desktop which is integrated into our Managed Backup product, or are you using the free, stand-alone Remote Desktop? If Managed Remote Desktop, did you install the RD agent from the Downloads section of the management console in Managed Backup? I am just trying to determine if you accidentally are mixing the products.

    We do support unattended access. Some additional information here: https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-remote-assistant/using-remote-assistant/unattended-access
  • How to manage vaults/buckets in CBB V7
    I am not sure I completely understand what is going on. Could you describe in more detail exactly the steps that you used, and describe the problem and a little more detail so I understand exactly where we should go from here?
  • Calculating optimum Thread Count and Chunk Size for lots of small files
    Chunk Size probably will not affect small files performance as the chunk size is likely larger than the file size. That just means all files will be uploaded in a single chunk. That's the best case for small files. As far as threads, you can try increasing further to see if that helps. It may, but at some point you'll likely be thread limited. As you're seeing, the file-level / object-level latency is the cause.

    A few other things to consider:
    1 - Consider turning off logging (Settings - Logging) or making sure the log is on a fast drive (SSD) or one a different drive than the files being backed up. But I would try disabling logging as a test
    2 - Make sure the Repository (Settings - Repository) is on a fast drive
    3 - If the files do not compress well, consider disabling compression. Compression is generally low CPU as we use an efficient algorithm, but it's worth a try.
    4 - Make sure you are using the closest region for your cloud provider (assuming you have the choice). You may be able to use tools available at the cloud provider or elsewhere to help determine your latency to each region.(can you share which cloud you are using)?

    We are working on product improvements for your exact use case, but we do not expect those features to be available until next year some time.
  • License Expiry_Data Retention
    If the trial license has expired, then backups will no longer execute either automatically through a schedule, or manually through the UI. Without the backup jobs running, retention will not be applied according to the backup plan. Your backups will remain in backup storage until such time as they are manually removed, either through the user interface if there's access through the agent, or via the cloud storage vendor UI.
  • Lite Client (Quick Support)
    The Quick Support client is not for connecting to a remote system. It's for users on the remote side who need help and do not have the expertise to install software or prefer to not have any software installed permanently. You need the full version to connect to a system using the Quick Support client.
  • How to get full version
    There is only the full version, unless for some reason you are using the Quick Support version. If you need full control, you either need to request it in the application when connected, and the remote user can accept, or you need to use the unattended access feature. https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-remote-assistant/using-remote-assistant/unattended-access
  • V7 new file format error
    Impossible to tell. Please submit your logs using the tools diagnostic option on the toolbar, and the support team review them. Please write in the submission that I asked you to submit in case you're using the free version of the software.
  • Recording camera backup
    Create file system storage that maps to your external hard drive. Then create a backup plan that uses that storage to back up the local path of files. That should do it.

    If you have specific questions please let us know.
  • request refund for MSP license
    You need to speak with your account manager, not support. If you're not sure who your account manager is, please send an email to or use the link above.
  • New backup format in V7 Cloudberry Backup
    Support would like you to open a case from Tool - Diagnostic. More below.

    Please ask the customer to: open a new support case; send us a set of logs from the machine; send a screenshot showing contents of the "new" destination folder; send a couple of screenshots of Backup Storage tab showing the data uploaded to the "old" and to the "new" destinations.