Consistency Check questions By local database(repository) I mean the
cbbackup.db file that is located in
C:\ProgramData\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup\data by default. It is a file that contains records of all files uploaded to the cloud to avoid reaching out to cloud storage every time you need to check which files are there. So in case the data was changed outside of our software you would need to either
run consistency check or synchronize the repository(tools > options > repository) for the software to update the info about your files on the storage side.
After consistency check/sync is finished you can navigate to the backup storage tab to see the most up-to-date state of your files.
Going via Explorer would basically work the same, each inventory request would take about 5 hours to complete, but status of some newly uploaded files still won't be updated momentarily, since they need some time to "settle" in Glacier after upload.