• How to Ensure Local Backups While Cloud Backup Runs

    Thank you for the clarification.
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to start an image-based backup plan if another image-based plan is running.
    We are going to change that behavior in one of the future releases.
    If you'd like, we can notify you once we change that.
    Please send me your email address in the private message.
  • How to Ensure Local Backups While Cloud Backup Runs
    Hi ,

    Could you please clarify a bit your use case? Are you talking about a hybrid backup plan?
    If so, the possible solution here could be splitting the hybrid job into two different backup plans: one pointing to local storage and another to cloud storage.
    With the hybrid backup plan, there is no way to start the local backup before the software finishes to upload the data to cloud storage.
  • Alert when someone signs into Local Backup Console
    Hi ,
    Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
    We sincerely appreciate it because it helps us build a better product.
    I will address a request for this feature to our dev team to put it on our roadmap.

    Thank you once again. We appreciate your time and your input.
  • Backup failure
    Hi ,

    Please make sure that the user which credentials you specified while login into the backup application has at least one backup destination attached. Please refer to the MBS Help section to get more information about how to configure a backup destination for an MBS user

    Hope this helps.
  • Problem restoring selected folder from system image backup
    Hi ,

    In your case, you can try to restore your image-based backup as a virtual disk and then mount this disk to the new OS. You can restore the entire image as well as selected partitions only.
    Please refer to our blog section to get more information about this type of restore

    Hope this helps.
  • Need Stable version of MSP Backup software
    Hi ,
    Did you contact our professional support team to resolve this issue?
  • Delete file offline
    Hi ,
    Sorry for the slow reply.

    One of the best approaches to free up your storage space is to set correctly the retention policy for your data. The software will delete unnecessary data automatically.
    Please refer to our blog section to get more details about the retention policy settings

    Also, you can get more information about how to use AWS S3 storage as a backup destination at

    Hope this helps.
  • Restore Verification (beta)
    Hi ,

    During the Restore verification process, we create a virtual machine and emulate its disk. When the running OS requests the parts it needs to start, the software downloads them. So, it is only the data needed to boot the virtual machine.
  • set masterpassword with cli
    Hi ,

    1. If the master password already exists for the console, you can enable the CLI protection with the same password
    cbb consolemanager -mpCLI yes -cp "password"

    2. If you would like to set a master password for the console and the CLI to a new installation
    cbb consolemanager -p "password" -c "password" -mpCLI yes

    3. To reset the master password
    cbb consolemanager -rmp -cp "password"
  • Help pease

    Could you please clarify what product are you talking about? MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup or MSP360 Explorer?
    MSP360 Explorer is just a file manager to work with the files that you have in the cloud storage. It is not a backup solution.
    If you need to back up your data, you should use MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup.

    And it looks like you used a free version that has some limitations. You can activate a 15 days trial period of fully functional version. You can do it in two ways:
    1. right after installation at the first launch you can choose the trial version.
    2. if you have already enabled free version, you can switch to trial in the Licensing section of the main menu.
  • Trouble displaying files from Google Cloud Storage

    We would need to investigate the diagnostic information from that computer to know more about possible reasons for that behavior. 
    Could you please send us the log files? To send the diagnostic info please go to the Feedback section. Put a brief description of the issue and click the send button. The logs will be sent to our support team automatically. 

    Thank you.
  • Trouble displaying files from Google Cloud Storage

    At first glance, the reason for you can't see the files in the software is that the local repository was not synchronized. Please try to synchronize it and see if it will resolve the issue.
    You can find this option in Settings -> Application -> Synchronize repository.
    Then choose your cloud storage account and hit the "Synchronize Now" button.
  • Cloudberry to AWS - Splitting Folder into C: and C$, D: and D$, why?

    Starting from version 6.0 we changed a backup path format.
    The path "D:" in your case, contains the data that you have backed up with version 5.9 and below.
    In earlier versions, we created the path using a colon ":", and now use the dollar sign "$" instead.

    So, when you delete the path "D$" and re-start the backup plan, the software just re-creates it from scratch. In case if you'd like to get rid of the old data, you should delete "D:".

    However, we do not recommend to delete anything manually!
    Please contact our support team to make it correctly.
  • Remote assist is logging out the remote PC

    Thank you for clarification.
    Did you contact our support team on this issue?
    If not, could you please send the Diagnostic information to our support department for we can have a look at what's going wrong?
    Thank you.
  • Remote assist is logging out the remote PC
    Hi all,
    In the new version, we changed the connection method in case of Unattended access. Login without windows authorization in this mode is now impossible.
    In the meantime, it should not log out but just switch desktop. The session should remain unchanged, and do not end. All applications should continue to work.
    PIN connection works as before.
  • Restore verification for image backups
    Hi ,
    Thanks for the screenshot. It explains the confusion.

    The Restore verification option is available only for the Standalone version, which you can see on our web site and which is supposed for internal use.
    As far as I can see, you are using the MBS version, which comes from your web console.

    We haven't implemented yet the Restore verification in the MBS version. It is already on our roadmap, but I can't tell you any ETA for now.
    You can send me your contacts in a private message, and we would let you know once this option is implemented in the MBS backup agent.

    Waiting for your reply.
    Thank you,
  • Restore verification for image backups
    Hi Carlos,
    Thanks for your interest in our product.

    The restore verification feature allows you to check backup integrity before the full backup restore to a real Windows machine. This feature is in beta version and we would appreciate any feedback you can share.

    To get more details about the Restore verification, please read this article in our help section

    Thank you,