Anton Zorin - MSP360 Forum

  • Terminated my Trial
    Sorry to hear that!
    Currently, the team is focused on 2 major features: Image-Based backup for Linux and the new backup format that will change the way how we store data on the destination. And that will eliminate the need to encrypt the metadata, as on the destination storage it will be stored in a proprietary format and no filenames will be exposed.
    Do you connect B2 via B2 connector or S3-compatible?
  • Feature Request: Provisioning
    Hi Monty,
    Thanks for the features suggested.
    I have filed them in our system and we'll keep you posted on any updates.

    Thank you,
  • Need a scheme to backup to cloud and local backup with slow internet connection.
    Hi ,
    Thanks for raising these questions.
    1. Cases with slow upload link are very common and we’ve built a short list of best practices:
    1.1. For image plan don’t use hybrid and use 2 plans instead: 1 for local and 1 for cloud.
    1.2. Use the synthetic full whenever possible (it’s supported for Wasabi, but not for hybrid plans) to re-use what’s already in the cloud and that would eliminate the need to upload everything from the local machine.
    1.3. Synthetic full will be much faster.
    2. Using Cloudberry/MSP360 Drive as a backup destination is a bad idea. Backup apps usually need high performance when executing their jobs, Drive is a personal use software that wasn’t designed to be a backup destination.
    The only problem is that the backup in a backup would require two restores process to retrieve files.
    can you please elaborate here? I’m not sure I understand it.
    4. Syncing a local backup folder to the backup folder in the cloud shouldn’t be performed manually. Currently the hybrid job does exactly this, but it doesn’t work together with the synthetic full, this is why it’s not recommended with slow links to the cloud. With the new backup format that we’re working on at the moment this will be addressed shortly after we release it.
    Thank you,
  • Upload speed
    Hi ,
    What issues are you seeing? What’s the storage you’re using? What’s the upload speed on the site where you’re seeing that issue?
    Have you opened a ticket with support by chance?

  • How can I create a regular plan for consistency check of the backup in the webinterface?
    Hi ,
    Thanks for your question.
    I noticed that you're a user of the Managed Backup Service, are you talking about it or about the web interface of the agent?
    In the first case, just go to RMM -> Remote Managemen, find the computer in the list, click on the backup bar in the backup status column and in the tab you'll see you can click on the plus icon and "create consistency check plan".
    Thank you,
  • Backblaze B2 Storage Hint
    , thanks for your feedback.
    It stands for Managed Service Providers, our core market.
  • Which Backup Software
    Hi ,
    Thanks for reaching out.
    Your Server edition includes image-based backup and this is exactly what you need to use to back up a physical computer as well as a VM. The agent should be installed on the guest OS.
    Our VM edition works from the hypervisor level where you can back up all the VMs on that host.
    Please let me know if you have any other questions.
    Thank you,
  • Creating Web URLs
    Hi ,
    I assume you're talking about Explorer for mac, correct?
  • Restoring Image to VMWare ESXi 6 fails
    Hey .
    Thanks for reaching out.
    Please open a case with support (Tools -> Diagnostic -> Past a link to this thread -> Send to support and provide the case ID. The log you provided is not enough, unfortunately. We need the version number, some more log records to get to the root of this issue.
  • CloudBerryLab.Base.Exceptions.ClientLibException Failed to parse acl
    Hi ,
    Sorry for the delay. Can you please me the logs?
    Tools -> Diagnostic -> Paste the link to this thread -> click Send to Support.
    Thank you!
  • Manually Decrypting Files
    , I have an idea. Can you please check that file history (oftentimes it's called Versioning) is enabled for your account.
    If it is so, then the data might be marked as deleted, thus the backup agent can't find it but could still be there in the bucket. If my assumption is correct, then restoring it (undoing delete) with Backblaze can help here.
  • Web console version 4.6 released
    Hi ,
    Sorry it took us so long.

    1. Go to:
    2. Check "2 Factor Authentication"
    3. Scan the barcode with Google Authenticator
    4. Once enabled, you will see "2FA alternative codes" under the "2 Factor Authentication" checkbox.

  • CBB Server vs CB BareMetal
    , I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.
    Can you please provide us the ticket number where you received the link?
    Thank you!
  • Which version of Cloudberry Explorer PRO for Wasabi
    Wasabi is S3-compatible, this the one for S3.
  • Consistency check plan cannot be started simultaneously...
    , consistency check does exactly this, the repository resync.

    Jason, we’re working on streamlining the boarding process and it would be very helpful to know all the complexities you’ve bumped into.

    Please DM me when you have time.
  • Copy from an EC2 instance to S3
    Hi ,
    Thanks for your question.
    I remember how configuring works in the backup app and on Drive, but I don’t remember about the Explorer. Let me sync up with our Explorer PM and get back to you.

  • Consistency check plan cannot be started simultaneously...
    Hi Jason,
    Thanks for your question.

    The consistency check plan is a plan that lists the destination and makes the local meta database up to date. In another words, the result of this plan should be the match between the destination (cloud/local) and the meta database references.
    If there’s a plan that’s working at the same time, it will always add some extra files (the data itself or some configuration files that we also put to the cloud) and if it’s writing to the same destination, the meta database will be out of sync.

    Try to adjust the time of either plans that they do not overlap.

  • Near Continuous Data Protection (Near CDP) - where is the option to enable it ?
    Hi ,
    Thanks for your post.
    In our product it’s the same since we changed the frequency of how often the data would be transferred to the cloud. It used to be 1 minute and not long time ago we changed it to 15 minutes.
    Is there something that doesn’t work for you in the current implementation? I would like to know more.
